Major Projects Delivered By Team
- PLC Logic and SCADA Modification as per site requirement.
- Network distributed server-client SCADA application system for BACS by Rockwell Automation, Allen-Bradley ControlLogix L75
controller with EN2TR PLC communication modules and Redundant CPU - BACS Integration testing and commissioning between a various system like – Smoke management and ventilation system (Combined fire and smoke damper control, pressurization fans, smoke extract fans, smoke and fire curtains, make-up air doors, air curtains, assess doors, hold open doors, sliding door control, etc.)
- HVAC (AHUs, ERUs, FCUs, Chiller plant) Rainwater system,
- Greywater system, Pump control (fire water pumps, drainage sump pumps, booster pumps, transfer pumps, etc.)
- LV Distribution (MCC, SMDBs, LDB, and PDB, etc.)
- Fire Fighting System (Fire Fighting Pump, Flow Switch, Smoke Sensor, FACP Panel)
- VHTS Lift, Travelator, Escalator, etc.
- Remote Input Output (RIO) panels communicating via Device Level Ring (DLR) and Resilient Ethernet Protocol (REP, Fibre Optic
Network).using Access switch (STRATIX 5700) Distribution Switch (STRATIX 5400), ETAP and ETAP 1F communication modules. - Rockwell products including – flex I/O’s using interface module (1794 series AENTR modules) total count 19000+ I/O’s combined DI
DO AI AO and used Prosoft MBTCP series of Modbus TCP/IP module for communication with VHTS escalator, elevator, moving walks
system and Lighting Control system. And Prosoft MBS4 Series Modbus serial communication with Energy metering system, all third
party communication. - Integration between Fire Alarm panel, FM200 gas releases control panels and Running the Fire scenario (using Cause and Effect
matrix) concerning different areas of the station - Interfacing BACS System with the ICC (Integrated Control Centre) through Triangle Micro Works Software (IEC104
Protocol).Communication between ICC Integrated Control Centre and BACS for monitoring Group Alarms for different types of equipment. - Event log, Alarms (Critical, Major, Minor) and Historian.
- Batch Non-LBSM Logic development for the batch production of Beauty Oil (Dabur Amla, Dabur Jasmin & Dabur Sarson Amla)
- SCADA designing using Plant PAx. System for the supervision and control of the production process.
- Configuring IT Hardware, I/O testing, Panel Testing and verifying, Hardware and software FAT with the client.
- Remote Input Output (RIO) panels communicating via Ethernet.using UN-Managed switch, ETAP, and ETAP 1F communication
modules. - Field Instrument configuration and testing.
- SCADA stations, PLC Panel, Remote Input Output (RIO) panels Installation and Commissioning
- Egron and NIRO2 CBST integration PLC5 migrated Logix commissioning
- DSi System automation
- Developing Graphic for Panelview Plus 1000 HMI for Low-Speed Bottle Line.
- Power flex 4 communication over the DSI module.
- Develop HMI for graphic for F&Hc Sachet Line ACP Machine and Add logic for the dump valve
- Add logic to remove the portion of black tap in the roll during sachet packing.
- Leading Networking project of Sachet Line 1, 2 and 3.Installing Ethernet switch rack and Reassign IP to Sachet Line PLC, Net ENI and
Flex IO card. - Adding logic for Auto case packer and Developing Graphic for Panelview plus 600 HMI for on Bottle Line End of Line.
- Changing PLC Programming as per customer requirement to increase the production speed of the Tube Line.
- Changing logic for installation of new sachet packing machine
- Commissioning of MCC Panels, including Powerflex 525/755/753 Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs). Safety Circuits, surge, Protectors, Power Distribution Panels and Remote IOs Panels, as per Factory specific standards.
- Field instruments commissioning including Flow Meters, Radar Level sensors, PID Valves, Flow Switch, Temperature Switch, Barcode Scanners and Automatic Pumping Station, Flow Valves Safety Relays and Safety Controllers.
- Loop testing of Raw Material Storage and Delivery System interfacing with Main Mixer System.
- Testing and Commissioning of P&G proprietary Software Library System OPERA with ControlLogix CPU using Intouch HMI Software.
- Testing of P&G proprietary Software Feedmaster technology for raw material transferring into Batch Mixing and Production.
- Trial and testing scaling & Ranging and commissioning of Field instruments as per Factory Specific testing procedures and schemes
- Commissioning and Functional Testing and Software Acceptance Test.
- Interfacing with Allen Bradley PLC with Factory Talk View SE using PlantPAx. Communication Network Ethernet, ASI Network, and Profibus.
- PlantPAx (DCS System).
- Configuring IT Hardware, I/O testing, Panel Testing and verifying.
- Logic designing for the selection of milk transfer and reception tank, Line wash, and sterilization.
- Hardware FAT with the customer.
- PLC Panel and RIO Panel, MCC panel, Work Station and remote SCADA installation, I/O testing and commissioning.
- MCC panel Loop Testing, Megger testing, VFD Configuration and integration with logic, Ingratiation with field Pump and testing.
- Configuring IT Hardware, I/O testing, Panel Testing and verifying, Hardware FAT with the client.
- Network configuration for PLC Panel, Server Panel, Remote Input Output (RIO) panels, MCC Panel Work Station and Remote SCADA panels communicating via Device Level Ring (DLR) and Resilient Ethernet Protocol (REP, Fibre Optic Network). UN-Managed Switch, ETAP, and ETAP 1F communication modules.
- Commissioning of Logic and SCADA at the site for Batch production of SUNSILK Shampoo and LUX Soap. Logic development and SCADA designing, testing and commissioning for the vacuum systems.
- Field Instrument configuration and testing.
- Commissioning and Functional Testing and Software Acceptance Test.
- Interfacing with Allen Bradley L75 CPU with Factory Talk View SE Redundant Server using PlantPAx.
- Commissioning of MCC Panels, including Powerflex 525/755/753 VFDs. Safety Circuits. Power distribution Panels and Remote IOs Panels, as per Factory specific standards.
- Historian Server, Batch Server, and Reporting Server.
- PlantPAx (DCS System).
- Commissioning and Functional Testing and Software Acceptance Test.
- Interfacing with Allen Bradley PLC with Factory Talk View SE using PlantPAx. LBSM Batch System, Communication Network Ethernet.
- PlantPAx (DCS System).
- Commissioning of MCC Panels, including Powerflex 525/755/753 VFDs SMC Flex Soft starters and DOL starters. Safety Circuits, surge, Protectors, Power Distribution Panels and Remote IOs Panels, as per Factory specific standards.
- Field instruments commissioning including Flow Meters, Radar Level sensors, PID Valves, AS-I Valves, and Hardwired Valves, Temperature, Pressure, Level sensors. Safety Relays and Safety Controllers.
- Interfacing with Allen Bradley L75 CPU with Factory Talk View SE Server using PlantPAx.
- Loop Testing with Water trial with testing scaling & Ranging and commissioning of Field instruments as per Factory Specific testing schemes and procedures.
- Developing Phase logic (Batch, LBSM) for batch production of Cadbury Chocolate.
- Online FAT for the testing of logic with the client.
- HMI Development for the recipe handling.
- Machine Commissioning and Functional Testing and Software Acceptance Test at factory floor Ireland.
- Interfacing with Allen Bradley PLC with Safety Guard Logix Controllers. Communication Network Ethernet, ControlNet, Devicenet, Profibus.
- The Machine Consists of 6 Axis with Hydraulic Arms and Punching Mechanism. SIEMENS S7-1200 CPU, HMI, PC.
- Development and Design of Documents including Machine electrical Specification and Control Methodology.
- Logic Development using Siemens S7-1200 CPU, with HMI.
- Software and Hardware Internal Testing and FAT with the customer.
- Site Commissioning and Handover to customers.
- Including Mixers with heating and cooling system. Six conveyors cascaded and synchronized with a cutter. Remote data logging and reporting. SIEMENS S7-1200 CPU, HMI, PCs.
- Development and design of documents including machine electrical specification and control methodology.
- Development of logic and interfacing with WinCC flexible advanced with ANDON displays.
- SQL server and crystal report generation.
- Software and hardware internal testing and FAT with the customer.
- Site commissioning
- Robotic welding machine including PLC interfacing.
- Robot configuration and programming of the welder.
- Software development which includes HMI and logic (using ladder logic interfacing with robot controller)
- Software and hardware internal testing.
- Site commissioning.
- Tube making with TIG welder and automatic seam tracking with Delta Tau Motion Controller. Tube length setting and plasma Cutting System. SIEMENS S7-1200 CPU, HMI, PC.
- Development and design of documents including machine’s electrical specification and control methodology.
- Software development using Siemens S7-1200 CPU with HMI and interfacing with Delta Tau Motion Controller.
- Automation of Water Jet Cutting System with 2 ABB Robots interface with PLC using DeviceNet and Mechanical Indexer.
- Development of Design documents like Hardware Drawings like General Arrangement, Power Distribution, Schematic Diagram, and Wiring Diagrams.
- Development of I/O List and Bill of Material.
- Software Development which includes HMI and Logic (using Ladder Logic).
- Software and Hardware Internal Testing and FAT.
- Site Commissioning.
- Developing logic for material handling, transferring the fertilizer from the production Unit- 1, 2 and 3 to the Filling station by
conveyor and transfer the Packed Bag from the filling station to the Loading Platform and to control the sequence of operation. - SCADA designing to select and control the transfer root using Factory Talk View Studio v8.0.
- Configuring IT Hardware, I/O testing, Panel Testing and verifying, Hardware and software FAT with the client.
- Configure the network using Control Net.
- Conducting Online Pre-FAT for the testing of logic with the client.
- Automation of Pick and Place system with Press Forming Machine. SIEMENS S7-1200 CPU and HMI. Interfacing with robot and Press Machine.
- Robot configuration and Programming.
- Software Development which includes HMI and Logic.
- Software and Hardware Internal Testing.
- Site Commissioning.
- Software Development that includes Logic Development, and Testing of Machine with the fulfillment of the Factory Acceptance Test.
- Machine Functional Testing and Site Acceptance Test.
- Interfacing with Allen Bradley PLC with Safety Guard Logix Controllers Communication Network LAN, ControlNet, Devicenet, ProfiNet.
- Material Pick and Place by Mitsubishi Robots.
- PLC5 to ControlLogix migration software job.